Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Vivid Myth

Fluorescent lights are used worldwide everyday due to their efficiency. Fluorescent lights use less energy than incandescent light bulbs so they are more efficient. It is estimated that 1.5 billion fluorescent lights are used nationwide.

Fluorescent lights contain a more efficient longer lasting life than incandescent light bulbs.

It is said that fluorescent lights can leach vitamins in one’s body. This is not a true statement. There are no proven tests or experiments that show that the light produced from fluorescent bulbs is able to leach vitamins from someone’s body. Although this has not yet been proven it is highly doubtful it will become proven because there are no materials in the actual light that can leach vitamins from your body. Nor are there any materials or gasses released that can leach vitamins from your body. This site shoes that the materials built in fluorescent lights is more efficient and does not harm the human body in anyway. This myth is busted. It is a false myth because fluorescent lights can not leach vitamins from the human body.